All the answeres to your pregnancy-related queries in one place. If you do not find your answers in this list do give us a shout here and we will revert back asap.
It can be suspected but needs a confirmation by a urine test or an ultrasonography.
Most of the times it would be correct.
Yes, by doing serum B-HCG estimation.
With a regular cycle, due date is calculated by adding 9 months and 7 days to 1st day of the last menstrual period.
Vomiting is caused due to rapid rise in hormone levels but reduces after 3-4 months.
Yes, they are common during pregnancy, and are due to hormonal changes.
It is due to hormones, can be avoided by iron tablets.
Due to lowering of blood pressure, not enough oxygen is supplied to the brain which could lead to fainting and dizziness.
It occurs due to sluggish blood circulation, lack of calcium and vitamin B and E.
Earliest the better. A doctor will conduct a preliminary assessment and certain routine blood test and give you advice on how to proceed.
This could be a delayed conception or an unhealthy pregnancy. Consult your doctor immediately.
It could be due to heart burn called gastritis, have a few sips of milk or small frequent meals.
Take plenty of liquids, sweets or sugar and rest adequately.
The skin is made up of elastic and non elastic fiber, which when stretched beyond a limit, tends to break causing stretch marks.
Bad posture causes backache.
It is due to stretching and can be aggravated by perspiration / stress. An oil massage can bring you relief, but if it persists consult your doctor.
During pregnancy the body retains extra water, and slight swelling is normal. Other causes like hot weather, tight shoes or long travel could also cause some amount of swelling. Adequate rest should give you relief, otherwise see your doctor.
Yes you can as long as you do not feel uncomfortable and there is no bleeding or cramps. It is advisable to reduce sex till 12 weeks are completed and completely avoid it after the 36th week.
Current research has shown intake of these can have harmful effects on the foetus, but it is better to discuss it with your doctor.
Milk and milk products, meat, fish, eggs, dried beans, peas and nuts, fruits and vegetables, bread and cereal and lots of water.
It helps to keep ones body toned to prepare for child birth. Moderate amount of sports activities like swimming, walking are good for health. Tips on exercises: Abdominal muscle exercise, seat and tummy exercise, sit ups and pelvic contraction, working outside home.
Avoid long car trips because of fatigue. Air travel is permissible but restrict after eight months of pregnancy and most importantly consult your doctor before travel.
It is pregnancy that implants outside uterus, most often in the fallopian tube.
Early diagnosis treatment is effective
- Colicky crampy pain with tenderness, starting on one side and often spreading throughout the abdomen
- The pain may worsen by coughing or straining
- Often brown vaginal spotting which may precede pain by several days or weeks
- Sometimes nausea & vomiting, dizziness & weakness, shoulder pain
- Getting to the hospital immediately is important
- New techniques for early diagnosis & treatment of tubal pregnancy have removed the risk for mother and help her in preserving her future fertility
- Diagnosis is usually made through a series of highly sensitive pregnancy tests that track level of hormone hCG in mother’s blood
high resolution ultrasound to visualize the uterus & fallopian tub
Bleeding from vagina is abnormal at any stage of pregnancy and may be due to other causes and it is advisable to consult your doctor immediately
Types of abortion:
A threatened abortion — bleeding from vagina during early pregnancy which may resolve and allow pregnancy to continue.
Inevitable Abortion — bleeding continues with strong uterus contractions & it is no longer possible to salvage pregnancy.
A complete abortion — occurrs when all products of conception have been expelled from uterus.
An incomplete Abortion — when part of products of conception have been expelled but some remain within uterus.
A missed abortion — when the pregnancy has become non-viable but the uterus has failed to expel it. This diagnosis can be done by ultrasound.
Recurrent Abortion — miscarriage on 3 or more occasion.
Habitual pregnancy — term usually reserved for miscarriage on 3 or more occasion at approx. the same stage of pregnancy and assumed to be for the same reason each time.
Labour that begins prior to 37 weeks with evidence of painful and regular contraction and change in the cervix is called preterm labour.
- Regular cramping or intermittent backaches
- Increase in discharge
- Bloody discharge
- Increased pelvic pressure
Risk for preterm labour include
- Multiple pregnancy
- Prior preterm delivery
- Placenta previa and abruption
Structural defects in uterus
Urinary tract infection
Pre-eclampsia is a condition of high blood pressure caused after 20 weeks. This may restrict growth in fetus and sometimes may lead to fetal loss
- High BP
- Water retention, leading to puffiness of ankles, hands & face
- Protein in urine
If the symptoms are severe needs to be admitted to hospital to lower BP and needs various tests to check mother and baby’s health condition.
Travel — Traveling long distance is better by train than by car or bus. Sitting for long periods of time is to be avoided. Consult your doctor for more information.
Medicine — Avoid self medication. Always consult you doctor.
Right diet — A balanced diet of fruit, vegetable, cereal, proteins etc. is necessary.
Clothes — Wear loose clothes to allow one to move freely, wear a well fitting bra, use flat comfortable footwear.
Exercises — Sit cross-legged and practice deep breathing, freehand exercises, do household chores, do not over-do your exercises.
Sleeping position — curling up and sleeping on your left side is best for both mother and fetus.
Stretch marks are caused due to itching — FALSE
It is due to breakage of non elastic fibers in the skin, which is stretched during pregnancy
If one sits cross-legged on the floor, the umbilical cord twists around the neck of the baby — FALSE
The baby turns around its own axis, unaffected by your movements.
If one do not feel the movements of the child by 5th month, there is something terribly wrong with pregnancy — FALSE
Generally women experience movements by 5th month but in a few, movements may not be perceived until the 6th month.
One should lie on one’s side and not on back when in labour — TRUE
When one lies down on the back, the weight of the baby and the uterus presses on a major blood vessel hence reducing the supply of blood and oxygen to the mother and baby.
One should push as soon as labour pain begins — FALSE
While in labour, never push until the doctor/nurse asks you to. If one pushes when the mouth of the womb is not fully dilated, there is the danger of hitting baby’s head against an unopened cervix.
Eating papayas will cause abortion — FALSE
There is no scientific evidence for the abortificient action of fruits like papaya.