“You and Your precious baby are safe. When you are under the care Dr. Thanwala”
When is a Cesarean Section required?
Cesarean section or C-Section is the procedure of delivering a baby surgically by the abdominal route. It was basically invented for a baby who would not pass through the pelvis and got stuck. Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion still remains one of the leading indications – but with time the indications have broadened. We now also do it for Abnormal Position of the baby, Fetal distress, and at times when Mothers health is at risk if delivery is not done quickly.
What to expect Post a C-Section?
Your Baby ! and this will alleviate whatever little pain and discomfort the surgery may cause you. You start breastfeeding the baby immediately after the surgery. After 24 hours you are encouraged to walk around and by end of Day 2, you are on a full diet. We generally discharge you on Day 3 or 4 depending on how comfortable you are with managing the child.
Are there any risk involved in C-Section?
Just like any surgery risk of anesthesia and surgery are always there but they are extremely rare since most of the patients under Dr. Thanwala’s pregnancy management program are healthy young women.
Post C-Section Care?
After 7 days – generally, all normal activity is allowed – but avoid doing anything which will raise the intraabdominal pressure or put undue pressure on the scar.. like lifting heavy objects/leg raising exercises. Postnatal exercises are introduced gradually after 2 weeks and after 6 weeks of surgery all activity is permitted
Frequent queries mother have C-Section?
Is Cesarean Delivery Safe
Yes. Chances of things going wrong are slim
How long does it take to recover?
You are up and about in 3 days. However, Total healing of tissue takes place in 6 weeks
How long do you I have to stay in the hospital?
Normally 3 – 4 days
Will the mother have any complications?
Incidence of complications is low – however as with normal delivery there can he post partum bleeding during surgery, if infection occurs in the incision healing takes longer and dressings are required
Can I still breastfeed?
OfCourse! you can breastfeed the baby
What Moms have to say about C-Section at Thanawala's

Going through child birth is a mix of immense pain followed by immense happiness, your attention and kindness helped us overcome our fear

“THANKS” is very small word to express our feelings about the doctor and all his staff. But throughout we are very much thankful to the doctor, the nurses, counter staff, cleaning staff, all are very much cooperative. The are very Honest & cooperative.
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It was the most amazing experience of birthing my baby at Thanawala’s maternity home
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You are an amazing doctor and your team is amazing too. The entire experience including our visits, scans, classes and now our 5 day stay has been memorable one.
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Thank you for giving us the gift of parenthood which we will cherish throughout our lives.
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No words are enough to thank you and your team for a scared & anxious parent to make their life so memorable.